

物流对于任何产品交付组织的成功都是必不可少的. It is desirable for a company to deliver its goods as promptly and economically as possible. 这是第三方物流(3PL)经纪公司的角色.

A 第三方物流经纪 establishes connections between businesses and third-party logistics suppliers. 使用这些服务可以让企业节省时间和金钱. 本质上, a third-party logistics company assists businesses in identifying the best logistical supplier.

相对, 第三方物流(3PL)提供商与货运代理有很大不同, 不止一种方式.  A 3PL can provide a faster and more reliable solution to urgent shipping concerns than a broker, 以及接入高质量的运营商网络. Knowing the distinction between 第三方物流经纪 services and freight brokers can help you make an informed decision when you require expedited shipping.

It can be a struggle to ensure goods are delivered on time through their regular shipment processes. 回顾一下a的基础知识是值得的 第三方物流经纪 这样你就知道该从哪里入手,对你的物流计划更有信心.

Let’s start by comparing the two and then discussing why a 第三方物流经纪 may be best for your business needs.



货运经纪人是托运人和承运人之间的中间人. 而不是假设所有权, 经纪人促进托运人和承运人之间的沟通. They ensure that the handoff between carriers and shippers proceeds smoothly and that freight arrives safely and on time.

货运经纪人利用他们的经验来缩短交货时间, 防止伤害, 并提高供应链的效率. 因为他们把所有与他们合作的货主的货运量结合起来, 这些经纪人能够协商降低费率, 他们会把这些信息传递给顾客吗.

Freight brokers provide shippers with a single point of contact from point A to point B while their freight is transported to its final destination. 与经纪人打交道消除了与承运人谈判的繁琐任务, 建立路线, 跟踪货运. Carriers appreciate working with freight brokers to optimize their routes and reduce deadhead miles, 所以在更短的时间内增加他们的收入.

对于某些企业来说,货运经纪人可能是完美的选择. For others, the lack of hands-on involvement may be challenging and not fit their needs. This is a decision your team needs to make after fully understanding all of your options.

这导致我们需要理解什么是 第三方物流公司 是什么,他们如何作为第三方物流经纪公司.


第三方物流公司帮助企业管理运输服务. 他们的职责包括正确地运输和储存产品. 

除了重要的货运经纪服务,如调度, 加载, 交通, 卸货, 交付, 并通过电话或电子邮件更新进度, an experienced 第三方物流经纪 often provides access to a vast network of qualified and reputable carriers. 

This requires that a 第三方物流经纪 be a one-stop shop for freight brokerage and dedicate an entire team to handling services and being on call for shippers. 与第三方物流经纪公司合作将使您有更多的时间投入到您的业务中.


A 第三方物流经纪 is a third-party logistics provider with a dedicated in-house freight brokerage team.

A 第三方物流经纪 employs a large network of enduring business ties to secure carriers at lower prices than would be possible otherwise. In addition to matching your shipments with the 最省钱的 and efficient shippers, they can reduce your shipping expenses by relieving you of responsibilities like billing, 负荷跟踪, 培训, 技术, 合规, 以及运输所需的所有活动部件.

在这个过程中, 第三方物流代理考虑最优路由, 材料处理, 调度, 成本, 合规, and all the other aspects that go into delivering a product to its destination in the safest, 最省钱的, 这是最有效的方式.


Dealing with a 第三方物流经纪 can result in significant savings on your business’s overhead 成本s. A 3PL has established partnerships with a large number of organizations in the logistics industry and typically deals in large quantities. This implies that 3PLs can frequently negotiate savings that your business would be unable to obtain on its own.

有几个特定的好处 第三方物流经纪,所以值得考虑一些最有意义的;

  • A quick and receptive support staff that asks the proper questions and secures answers.
  • 支持各行各业各种规模的企业的能力
  • 资质网络信誉良好,质量上乘,遍布全国的运营商
  • 了解特定产品的法规、安全和安全需求
  • 承运商和客户之间可靠沟通的历史
  • 支持FTL, LTL,加急,散装和其他运输模式
  • 专家解决问题和持续跟踪、报告和更新

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider partnering with an established 第三方物流经纪. 虽然有很多很好的理由与第三方物流公司合作, it would be beneficial to explore some of the top benefits and challenges that can come with this partnership.


While there are many reasons to work with a 3PL, some reasons seem to be more beneficial than others. 以下是一些最重要的原因.


许多企业将物流外包只是为了省钱. 当你考虑到设备的成本, 人力资源, 与其他部门的协调, 保险, 还有其他意外成本, 外包物流责任如此普遍的原因开始变得更有意义了.


A 第三方物流经纪 acts as the expert in transportation, warehousing, and fleet management. Professional 第三方物流经纪s are required to remain abreast of the most recent logistics advancements and trends so you don’t have to.


第三方物流经纪公司努力加强其客户的供应链. 他们的目标是让事情顺利进行. 3PL companies search for ways to save money on incoming deliveries and streamline their processes by incorporating innovative capabilities into their last-mile 交付 solutions.


正如有几个原因,你应该考虑与第三方物流经纪公司合作, 有一些理由可以考虑不这样做. 这里有一些值得讨论.


使用第三方物流提供商最初可能会很昂贵. Transitioning from your current logistics strategy to a 第三方物流经纪 requires time and steps that can include additional 成本s beyond your current spending. 这些成本是暂时的, 然而, and once the change has been made you will generally begin seeing ongoing 成本 savings.


After some time, many businesses are unable to complete tasks without the assistance of their 3PL. 例如,利用第三方物流的企业无法控制其运营商网络. 他们中的一些人没有安排卡车的经验. If you expect the time to come when you will want to go away from partnering with a 第三方物流经纪, 你最好重新考虑一下这个决定.


Selecting a new logistics supplier is a crucial decision that can have a lasting impact on your company’s bottom line. 在与第三方物流经纪公司会面时, keeping in mind the points discussed in this article will help you make the proper choice.

What separates a decent 3PL from a fantastic one is how well they discuss with you your needs. 大多数第三方物流公司可以以合理的成本将您与可靠的承运人联系起来. 然而,, not all carriers are able to assist you in navigating supply chain hiccups caused by unanticipated challenges or continually seeking ways to enhance operations. 唯心主义地, 您的物流合作伙伴将经常与您会面, 提供评论, 并为将来的增强建立目标.

几十年来,买球赛用什么app和网站一直是值得信赖的可靠的第三方物流经纪公司. 除了我们自己的车队在买球赛用什么app和网站, our 第三方物流经纪 services enable us to focus on your supply chain solutions and transportation service requirements throughout North America using a vast network of partners. 我们通过利用与其他运营商的联系来实现这一目标. 通过这种合作伙伴安排, 墨菲的车队有500辆卡车, 在您需要的时候,以最优惠的价格为您提供承诺的设备. We maintain involvement with these shipments by continuously evaluating carrier performance and road safety.

了解摩菲物流如何为您提供最佳的第三方物流服务, simply request a consultation with our team using one of the links below or by calling us directly.